RuPaul has joked about wearing a colostomy bag on a few occasions, and fans of 'Drag Race' want to know if he does indeed have one.

Jokes can affect different people in different ways. Sometimes, a joke can be funny to one person but offend another. RuPaul recently told such a joke.
It was about having a colostomy bag, and now fans are wondering whether RuPaul actually has a colostomy bag or whether he was just telling a joke seemingly at the expense of those who do use one.
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If RuPaul does indeed have a colostomy bag, then a lot of angry people on the internet might owe him an apology.
RuPaul's Drag Race is a bonafide success for VH1 with a whopping 13 seasons on the air, and it doesn't look like there's any sign of the show slowing down.
There have been some controversial comments from RuPaul that have upset Drag Race viewers over the years. Recently, he quipped that he needed to "watch out for my colostomy bag."
Many fans took to social media and wrote blog posts about the "insensitive" nature of the joke, stating that it unfairly targets those with disabilities and makes light of people who have to live with an illness that necessitates being outfitted with such a device.
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But it also led some to think that RuPaul does indeed wear one. However, there isn't much information online to indicate whether or not he actually wears a colostomy bag. One Redditor, Regular-Fennel-1453 wrote, "RuPaul does have one. In Season 1 of Drag Race, she excused herself because it burst and she needed to go to the bathroom.
Also, she mentioned it on Season 4 of Untucked while being tucked into her seat on the judges' panel."
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But if RuPaul does indeed have one, he hasn't explicitly talked about it...unless the "jokes" that he is saying on the show are actual references to the fact that he does rock a colostomy bag.
If you don't know what a colostomy bag is, it's a medical device that helps individuals who have difficulty naturally passing fecal matter.
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Medical News Today defines it: "A colostomy bag is a plastic bag that collects fecal matter from the digestive tract through an opening in the abdominal wall called a stoma. Doctors attach a bag to the stoma following a colostomy operation."
The outlet goes on to write, "A person often needs a colostomy due to injury, disease, or another issue with the lower bowels. In some cases, the colostomy is temporary. In other situations, such as the removal of the colon due to colon cancer, the colostomy may be permanent."
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Tamisha Iman, a Drag Race competitor, revealed that she has colon cancer and was wearing an ostomy bag during the show following surgery.
Tamisha went on to say that even though her illness may have inhibited her from competing at her best, she decided to go through with the process of being on the show regardless.
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"When you’re presented with a life-and-death situation — because the cancer situation got to a point where it was so bad that I almost lost my life — and you get a moment in your life where your whole existence will be recognized, it’s not about validation, but you don’t want it to be in vain. You want the world to see what you put into this craft," she said.
In addition to RuPaul's colostomy bag comments, he came under fire for reportedly fracking, and the memes were glorious.
Now those are two words you probably never thought would be in the same sentence: RuPaul and fracking. The reality TV star revealed that he was fracking on his Wyoming Ranch, and the internet had a field day with memes, especially considering that the news came out around the time Drag Race had a climate-change themed episode.
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Rupaul fracking while throwing a climate change themed ball episode of drag race is the neoliberal hellscape ive become accustomed to
— Lily Raynes (@lil_raynex) March 16, 2020Article continues below advertisement
you're telling me..... rupaul was on the bojack episode about fracking..... and here he is...... fracking........ and.... rupaul is fracking. rupaul is fracking?? rupaul is fracking
— 💗 kelle 💗 (@kellewoodz) March 16, 2020RuPaul serving up 55,000 more seasons of Drag Race knowing we’ll all watch and he can go back to his fracking farm and sleep a top a bed made of crude oil and transphobia
— jack rem x (@jackremmington) March 16, 2020Article continues below advertisement
“RuPaul is fracking” I’m so sorry but there is no more room in the inn baby Jesus keep it moving
— JP (@jpbrammer) March 16, 2020Article continues below advertisement
lmao "ru paul is fracking now" there is no way you can tell me 2020 wasn't designed by some proc gen sinister events generator
— innes mck (@innesmck) March 16, 2020“rupaul is fracking” is exactly as impossible for my brain to parse as “elizabeth warren holocaust tattoo” and yet both are true and both will be forgotten completely by next sunday
— z (@kimchi_baby_) March 16, 2020Article continues below advertisement
HOLD UP. (Non-COVID content) @RuPaul was just on @NPRFreshAir and shared that he & his partner own 60,000 acres in Wyoming & they "lease mineral rights ... and sell water to oil companies" and Terry Gross did not follow up with one question about the fact that RuPaul is FRACKING
— Rory Solomon (he/him) (@rorys) March 15, 2020There's so much about the year 2020 that I feel will be unpacked in the next coming decades and quite frankly I don't think I'm ready for it.